Salt Palace Convention Center | Salt Lake City, Utah I July 27 – July 31, 2025
Microscopy & Microanalysis

Registration is OPEN!
Registration is now open! Reserve your spot today at the lowest registration rate!

Childcare Registration is Open!
M&M 2025 has partnered with KiddieCorp and their caring staff to ensure your children have a safe and fun experience.
Please note that space is limited and registration should be completed before arriving onsite.

M&M 2025 Hotel Block is Open!
Booking within the Official M&M 2025 Hotel Block ensures you get the discounted meeting rate.
Join us at the Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, UT for M&M 2025.
The M&M 2025 conference is the largest scientific meeting and gathering of microscopy and microanalysis professionals, academics, technicians, students and exhibitors in the world. Microscopy & Microanalysis will provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of a wide range of microscopy and microanalysis techniques and their application to the biological and physical sciences.
The Microscopy Society of America is hosting the 18th Interamerican Congress on Microscopy at M& M2025.
Join us for an exciting opportunity to connect with leading researchers from across the Americas! Network, share ideas, and collaborate with experts in various fields of microscopy. Expand your professional network and knowledge. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Microscopy Society of America está organizando el XVIII Congreso Interamericano de Microscopía en conjunto con M&M 2025.
No deje pasar la oportunidad de reunirse con investigadores destacados de toda América y ampliar su red de contactos. El evento es el lugar propicio para intercambiar ideas y fortalecer colaboraciones con expertos en diversos campos de la microscopía. Participe y expanda sus horizontes profesionales. ¡Esperamos contar con su presencia!
A Microscopy Society of America tem o prazer de organizar o XVIII Congresso Interamericano de Microscopia em conjunto com o M&M2025.
Não perca esta oportunidade única de se reunir com renomados pesquisadores de toda a América, trocar ideias inovadoras e ampliar sua rede de contatos. O evento proporcionará um ambiente propício para compartilhar conhecimentos e fortalecer colaborações com especialistas em diversas áreas da microscopia. Participe e expanda seus horizontes profissionais! Contamos com sua presença!