Hotel Information

Hotel Information

The meeting hotel block is SOLD OUT

Availability is limited and  only a few nights may remain. At this time, MSA will not be contracting any overflow hotel blocks. 

Discounted rates are available until June 23, or until the block is sold out. 

Beware of Scammers claiming to have available rooms for M&M 2024!

Buyer Beware: The booking links provided on this page are the only approved, official housing vendor for M&M 2024. We understand that unauthorized housing companies may contact you and advertise cheaper rates or may imply or claim an affiliation with M&M 2024.

Unfortunately, some past attendees have fallen prey to these companies and were unable to recuperate the money they spent on rooms that did not exist. If you are contacted by any company regarding housing for the M&M 2024 meeting, please notify M&M 2024 Meeting Management at before providing any information to a secondary housing vendor.

Hotel Name M&M Rate Distance from Convention Center

 Hilton Cleveland Downtown 

     100 Lakeside Ave, Cleveland, OH 44114

$229 Adjacent to Center
5 minute walk

Marriot Cleveland Downtown Key Tower

     1360 W Mall Dr., Cleveland, OH 44114

 $229 Adjacent to Center
4 minute walk

Westin Cleveland Downtown

    777 St. Clair Ave NE, Cleveland, OH 44114
$194 Adjacent to Center
6 minute walk

For sub-blocks of 10 or more rooms, please contact M&M 2024 Meeting Management for more information.

Benefits of Staying in the Official M&M 2024 Housing Block

MSA and MAS have negotiated special rates and benefits for conference attendees at the premier convention center hotels.

Not only are these hotels conveniently located adjacent to the convention center, but M&M attendees benefit in several other ways:

  • Significant discounts off standard guest room rates
  • Confidence that you are booking in the best place possible, through a reliable website
  • Flexible booking policies
  • Simplified ability to make reservation changes, if required

By staying in the M&M block of guest rooms, M&M is able to contract premier facilities such as the Minneapolis Convention Center. Additionally, you are helping the Societies meet their contractual obligations to the hotels, avoid penalties and help to underwrite the cost of convention center rental, therefore keeping conference registration fees as affordable as possible. Your support of booking your room within the M&M 2024 guest room block is greatly appreciated.