For Authors and Presenters

For Authors and Presenters

M&M 2025 Call for Papers is CLOSED!

Acceptance notifications will be sent by March 11, 2025. 

License to Publish Requirements

Full Symposium Descriptions

M&M 2025 Submission Example

Manuscript Prep & Information

Looking for guidance or advice on submitting your paper to M&M 2025? Look no farther - check out our recent webinar: "How to Submit Your Proceedings:  All You Wanted to Know!", hosted by our M&M 2025 Proceedings Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Gail Celio and posted to the MSA Vimeo.

For Platform Presenters

  • Computers are NOT provided for your presentation. You must bring or arrange for your own computer for your presentation. Both Mac and PC formats are supported.
  • The default ratio for projectors at M&M meetings is 16:9 (high definition). Please plan your slides accordingly. A 4:3 ratio will work; however, there will be black vertical bars on either side of your projected image.
  • Both HDMI and VGA cables will be provided. We recommend HDMI for HD projectors.
  • If you don't have a computer to bring, ask your symposium organizer or session chair if you can use another presenter's machine.
  • If you bring a computer, please make sure that you have administrative access and know the password.
  • If possible, we suggest bringing your presentation on a flash drive and/or storing it online so that you have access to it in case your computer has technical problems.


All presentatoins will be held in person at the meeting. M&M does not allow any virtual or remote presentations. 

For Poster Presenters

Poster presenters will be assigned to a specific presentation day. All posters should be installed on Monday and remain up until Thursday afternoon at 2 PM. 


  • No A-V equipment will be provided for ANY poster presentations.
  • Poster presenters must remain at their poster on their assigned day during the required hours.
  • Each poster will be allocated a 92" wide x 45" high display area (see image below). Please note that your poster can be any size that best displays your work, as long as it fits in this display area.
  • Authors must provide their own velcro hooks or push pins for mounting.
  • A (suggested) 8-12-in. high strip at the top of your poster should contain the title of the paper and the name and affiliation of the author(s).
  • The poster should have large legible text and figures, and describe the results in a manner that would be clear to a reader in the author's absence.
  • Stereo images may be mounted and presented for stereo viewing using viewers provided by the author.

MSA does not permit any type of recording (photography, video, audio, etc.) of lectures, posters, tutorials, workshops and commercial exhibits at the Microscopy & Microanalysis meeting without prior permission of MSA or the individuals concerned.