Full Symposium Descriptions

Full Symposium Descriptions

Analytical Sciences Symposia

A01 - Advances in Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy and Analysis

Cathodoluminescence (CL) analysis and spectroscopy is experiencing a renaissance with the development of CCD spectrometers, integration on EM platforms, and hyperspectral CL. CL used in combination with other chemical and structurally sensitive techniques greatly adds to the information obtainable from a sample often with very little extra effort for sample preparation or analysis time. Cathodoluminescence is now routinely used in geology, forensics, biological and materials sciences, as well as art restoration. We welcome presentations addressing the challenges and advancements associated with cathodoluminescence analysis, spectroscopy, and applications in parallel with other techniques across a wide variety of materials.

Colin MacRae, CSIRO Mineral Resources, Australia
Emma Bullock, Carnegie Institution for Science
Heather Lowers, U.S. Geological Survey

Invited Speakers:
Paul Edwards, Strathclyde University, Scotland
Sangeetha Hari, Delmic, Netherlands
Mikel Gomez, Paul-Drude-Institut für Festkörperelektronik
Zsanett Pinter, CSIRO, Australia

A02 - Data Science and Atom Probe Tomography (IFES-Organized)

Recent instrumental developments in Atom Probe Tomography (APT) and Field Ion Microscopy (FIM) have considerably increased the data quantity and quality resulting from the analyses. Physical, structural, or chemical information are embedded and often hidden within these troves of data. For some applications of APT, characterizing accurate composition or isotopic quantification is a major objective. This symposium covers a wide range of methods and new data processing techniques enabling better exploration of materials of interest. Some topics to be covered by this symposium will be data analysis methods, mass spectrometry, image analysis, tomographic reconstruction, denoising, interoperability, correlative analysis, and data management.

David Saxey, Curtin University, Australia
Markus Kühbach, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany
Andrew London, UK Atomic Energy Authority, UK
David Reinhard, Cameca, UK

Invited Speakers:
Benjamin Caplins, NIST
June Lau, NIST
Jiayuwen Qi, Ohio State University
Yue Li, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung GmbH, Germany

A03 - Expanding Capabilities of Atom Probe Tomography (IFES-Organized)

The field of APT is currently seeing extensive research to understand the physical mechanisms involved in the analyzing process. The aim is to better control instrumental artefacts and to push the imaging performances. In addition, new instrumentation developments are contributing to the expanding range of materials that can be analyzed by the technique with better metrological capabilities. These breakthrough developments (EUV laser pulsing, TEM-APT coupling, in situ/in operando APT, specimen preparation etc.) require a precise knowledge of the physical principles involved. This symposium focuses on these key areas of recent theoretical and instrumentation developments, demonstrates how they expand the application range of APT analysis, and highlights the contributions on related topics.

Claudia Fleischman, IMEC, Belgium
Ann Chiaramonti, NIST
Arun Devaraj, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
François Vurpillot Université de Rouen, France

Invited Speakers:
Brian Geiser, CAMECA Instruments
Shelly Conroy, Imperial College London, UK
Ashok Vayyala, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Sandra Taylor, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

A04 - Lens-less Microscopy and Related Techniques - CANCELLED

The M&M 2024 Executive Program Committee regrets that this symposium has been canceled.

A05 - Microscopy and Microanalysis in Cultural Heritage Studies

Visualizing the microstructure and determining the chemical composition of works of art allows for a deeper understanding of the materials and techniques used in creation, the composition and mechanism(s) of degradation phenomenon, and the restoration materials that may be present. This knowledge is necessary in helping to guide treatment decisions and considerations for conservators. As conservators collaboratively work alongside scientists and historians, this symposium aims to present interdisciplinary research on how new advances in microscopy, microanalysis, image and data analysis provide a more holistic understanding of cultural heritage objects.

Jeffrey Pigott, Case Western Reserve University
Julianna Ly, The Cleveland Museum of Art
John Delaney, National Gallery of Art
Kathryn Dooley, National Gallery of Art

Invited Speakers:
Marcie Wiggins, Yale Institute for the Preservation of Cultural Heritage
Elena Basso, Metropolitan Museum of Art
Heidi Kastenholz, Duke University

A06 - Electronic and Thermal Device Characterization with Electron Microscopy

Standard electron microscopy excels at determining physical structure and, with suitable spectroscopic attachments, chemical structure. However, standard electron microscopy is relatively blind to electronic and thermal structure. These properties are often the most relevant characteristics for nanoelectronic device functionality. This symposium will treat recent developments in the effort to map electronic structure and thermal structure at high spatial resolution in modern electronic devices.

B.C. Regan, University of California-Los Angeles
William Hubbard, NEI
Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Invited Speakers:
David Cooper, CEA LETI, France
Ondrej Dyck, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jinwoo Hwang, Ohio State University
Maureen Lagos, McMaster University, Canada

A07 - Triumphs, Trials, and Trepidations in Quantifying Low-Z Elements with Microanalytical Methods

Recent advances in instrumentation and data treatment have greatly increased the ability to detect and quantify low-z elements (hydrogen-fluorine; Z=1-9) in solid state materials. Nevertheless, accurately measuring light elements with microanalytical techniques (WDS, EDS, EELS, SXES, SIMS, FTIR, XPS, AES, etc.) encounter a number of issues that are either not relevant, or much less impactful when analyzing Z>9. These challenges include detector design, standards, sample preparation, and more. Presenters are encouraged to submit work that shows off new methods and technologies for analyzing and quantifying light elements or improvements on existing methods.

Joseph Boro, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Owen Neill, University of Michigan
Anette von der Handt, University of British Columbia, Canada
Samantha Rosenberg, Lockheed Martin

Invited Speakers:
Mark Beisinger, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Christopher Marvel, Louisiana State University
Aurélien Moy, University of Wisconsin
Luke Hanley, University of Illinois-Chicago

A08 - New Opportunities in Material Science – Multi-dimensional Imaging and Advanced Data Processing

We invite contributions developing and applying advanced high-dimensional imaging methods to drive material science. The major focus of this session is on the extra and unique information that becomes available when going beyond standard 2D data acquisition routines which are not available otherwise. The symposium covers: (1) 2D/3D/4D imaging approaches based on FIB-SEM-, neutron- or synchrotron tomography, m-XCT and X-ray microscopy for ex- and in-situ experiments as well as correlative measurement workflows incorporating structural and chemical information from multiple sources and across multiple length scales, (2) 3D hyperspectral mapping with a variety of excitation sources (e.g. electrons or X-rays across a variety of scales (e.g. nm to mm) including destructive (e.g. FIB-SEM) and non-destructive methods (e.g. confocal MXRF), (3) Beyond two-dimensional TEM imaging, including 4D-STEM, electron tomography, momentum-resolved EELS mapping, and time-resolved experiments, (4) addressing the challenges of high-dimensional image data acquisition, processing, and image quantification utilizing novel computational approaches and infrastructure including conventional- and artificial intelligence-based analysis algorithms .Examples of relevant material classes include, but are not limited to, energy materials, materials for nano-microelectronics, lightweight materials, new structural alloys, polymers, biological materials, and composites.

Roland Brunner, Materials Center Leoben Forschung GmbH (MCL), Germany
Brian Patterson, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Debangshu Mukherjee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Steve Kelly, ZEISS

Invited Speakers:
Nikolaus Cordes, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kouichi Tsuji, Osaka City University, Japan
Adrian Mikitisin, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Johanna Nelson Weker, SLAC
Mary Scott, University of California-Berkeley
Julie Villanova, ESRF, France

A09 - Automation in Microscopy from Image Acquisition to Image Analysis, Data Visualization, and Management

This symposium is focused on recent advances in digital image handling with emphasis on processing, data visualization, and analysis including the use of AI and machine learning for real-time data analysis and feedback in microscopy.  Potential topics are feature/pattern recognition, segmentation and classification, image transformation, visual analytics, and advanced data analysis such as neural networks and machine learning.  Additional AI/ML topics could include the role of edge computing as well as bringing theory into the loop and utilizing physics-informed AI for enhanced performance and accuracy. Advances in image management and remote collaboration are also within the scope of this symposium.

Ellen Keene, Dupont de Nemours Inc.
Daria Monaenkova, Dow Inc.
Maxim Ziatdinov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Invited Speakers:
Sergei Kalinin, Oak Ridge National Laboratory/University of Tennessee
Xing Wang, Penn State University
Ayana Ghosh, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Daniel Abebe, Dow, Inc.
Kostya Kornev, Clemson University

A10 - Correlative Analysis and Multimodal Microscopy and Spectroscopy

Real-world systems are hierarchical, encompassing large differences in size, structure, composition, and arrangement.  Correlative microscopy/spectroscopy and analysis have evolved to an indispensable toolkit to characterize these complex systems and have led to advances in both soft and hard material studies by providing information with complimentary modalities and across different scales.  In this symposium, we highlight technical innovations in instrument development, sample preparation and handling, in-situ and cryogenic sample environment, and data analysis pipeline. We also seek contributions on applying correlative methods to physical, chemical, environmental, materials, biological, and bio-engineering studies. 

Xiao-Ying Yu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Si Chen, Argonne National Laboratory
Ashwin J. Shahani, University of Michigan

Invited Speakers:
Tao Zhou, Argonne National Laboratory
Alexandre Foucher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yiliang Lin, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Karen Chen-Weigart, Stony Brook University
Gregory Rohrer, Carnegie Mellon University
Tom Wirtz, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg
Shuai Zhang, University of Washington

Kira Slepchenko, Ohio University

A11 - Perspectives from Complementary SEM Techniques: STEM-in-SEM Analytics and High-throughput Multi-beam Imaging

This symposium will provide an opportunity to discuss recent advances in STEM-in-SEM and in multi-beam SEMs. From the STEM-in-SEM perspective, submissions describing new or emerging techniques pushing the boundaries of low voltage transmission imaging and diffraction are sought. Emphasis areas could include advances in instrumentation, simulation methods, analytical techniques, correlative imaging, and unique applications such as life science or low-Z materials that may benefit from the strong contrast obtainable with conventional SEM beam energies. Cost-effective approaches making the techniques accessible to an increasing number of users are especially encouraged.

From the multi-beam perspective, this symposium will provide an overview of multi-beam SEMs that enable high-throughput data acquisition at nanometer spatial resolution. Submissions for this area can address either the full workflow or critical parts thereof, namely compatible sample preparation, multi-beam image acquisition methodology, high-throughput data handling, and the processing and analysis of large amounts of data.

Applications combining unique multi-beam SEM transmission measurements are of special interest.


Jason Holm, National Institutes of Standards and Technology
Anna Lena Eberle, Carl Zeiss MultiSEM GmbH, Germany
Milena Hugenschmidt, Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM, Germany

Invited Speakers:

Johannes Müller, Humboldt University-Berlin, Germany
Joseph Michael, Sandia National Laboratories (Ret.)
Ilona Müllerová, Institute of Scientific Instruments of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
Thomas Templier, Janelia Research Campus
Nicholas Brodusch, McGill University, Canada
Meike Sievers, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland

Biological Sciences Symposia

B01 - 3D Structures: from Macromolecular Assemblies to Whole Cells (3DEM FIG)

Our understanding of the 3D structure and functional subtleties of complex biological systems has skyrocketed due to recent advances in EM imaging technology and hybrid methodologies. This symposium will highlight structural studies of macromolecules, microorganisms, cells, and tissues using state-of-the-art high-resolution techniques. These techniques include single particle cryo-EM, cryo-electron tomography, helical reconstruction, STEM; AFM, X-ray crystallography, and molecular modeling. Biological topics of interest include cellular architecture, metabolism, trafficking, communication, and division; gene regulation, transcription, and translation; host-pathogen interactions and virus structure; in situ studies using TEM and SEM, and all aspects of structure-function studies of biological assemblies.

Teresa Ruiz, University of Vermont
Melanie Ohi, University of Michigan
Cheri Hampton, AFRL/RXAS Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Edward Eng, New York Structural Biology Center

Invited Speakers:
Michael Wozny, McGill University, Canada
Matthew Swullius, Penn State University
Derek Taylor, Case Western Reserve University
Sudha Chakrapani, Case Western Reserve University
Esther Bullitt, Boston University
Stefanie Redemann, University of Virginia

B02 - Biological Applications of Quantitative Label-Free Imaging

Recent decades have seen rapid development of many types of label-free microscopies. This diverse group of techniques includes variants of quantitative phase imaging, Raman scattering, polarization, infrared, second harmonic, terahertz, and photoacoustic microscopy. Biological applications are accordingly diverse and include the determination of dry mass, water content, chemical composition, deep tissue imaging, and characterization of birefringent structures. The symposium will bring together active researchers in these fields and will provide an up-to-date perspective on the applications of label-free imaging in basic science and medicine.

Michael Model, Kent State University
Alexander Khmaladze, University at Albany

Invited Speakers:
Danielle Tokarz, St. Mary University, Canada
Xi Chen, Cornell University
Rohit Bhargava, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Michael Shribak, Marine Biological Laboratory
Robert Clements, Kent State University

B03 - Biomedical Research on Diseases in Humans, Plants and Animals using Electron and Light Microscopy

Nobel Laureate Dr. Alan Finkel once said, “Without microscopy, there is no modern science.” Biomedical research advances would be halted without modern science. Microscopy in its many forms is one of the most fundamental tools of high impact for research on diseases and their causing agents. This symposium aims to bring together researchers using electron and light microscopy for better understand of disease mechanisms, creating a path to more effective diagnosis and treatments, on human, animal, and plants. Contributions in diagnostic and research from scientists from all levels of bio-imaging expertise and related backgrounds are invited. 

Marcela Redigolo, West Virginia University
Emily Benson, Cleveland Clinic
Claudia López, Oregon Health & Science University

Invited Speakers:
Haolong Zhu, Carnegie Science Institute
Jose Smokowski, Ohio State University
Deana Grant, University of Missouri
Gloria Oporto, West Virginia University
Hilda Amalia Pasolli, EMRC/Rockefeller University
Douglas Keene, Shriners Hospital for Children/Oregon Health & Science University
Jerilyn Timlin, Sandia National Laboratories

B04 - Electron Microscopy in Education

CryoEM encompasses a wide range of experimental systems including single particle analysis, in situ cryo-electron tomography, and electron diffraction techniques and researchers can be practitioners at varied levels, making one-size-fits-all training inadequate for a broader reach. To address these needs, training programs sponsored by the “NIH Transformative High-Resolution Cryo-electron Microscopy program” were created. These activities span multiple formats including large webinars, small hands-on and remote workshops, and one-on-one immersive training. For this symposium we will present an overview of how we currently implement access and training to meet our mission.

Claudia S. López, Oregon Health & Science University
Edward Eng, New York Structural Biology Center

Invited Speakers:
Chris Arthur, Altos Labs
Gabriel Lander, Scripps Research
Michael Cianfrocco, University of Michigan
Yoshi Narui, Center for Electron Microscopy and Analysis (CEMAS)
Eugene Chua, NIH National Center for CryoEM Access and Training (NCCAT)
Craig Yoshioka, Oregon Health & Science University/PNCC
Julia Brasch, University of Utah
Cody Brazel, University of Arkansas

B05 - Hyperspectral Imaging: A New Window into the Cell - CANCELLED

Hyperspectral imaging, either fluorescence or reflectance, gives researchers a tool to quantify and monitor cells, tissues, organs, and plant health, and enable early remediation decisions.  Hyperspectral confocal fluorescence microscopy can follow many spectrally and spatially overlapping tags simultaneously and can discriminate them against autofluorescence or impurity emissions. The ability to accurately measure changes in native fluorescent components in plant leaves and cells resulting from mutations, environmental stresses, or treatments, and the ability to link spectral signatures to plant physiology has been a game changer. Non-destructive hyperspectral imaging is now becoming part of Agricultural solutions in support of world farming.

Maria Cristina Ubach, Bayer Crop Science
Cristina Dalle Ore, Bayer Crop Science
Ce Yang, University of Minnesota

Invited Speakers:
Jian Jin, Purdue University
Jerilyn Ann Timlim, Sandia National Laboratories
Zhihang Song, Purdue University

B06 - Imaging, Microscopy, and Micro/Nano-Analysis of Pharmaceutical, Biopharmaceutical, and Medical Health Products — Research, Development, Analysis, Regulation, and Commercialization

This symposium will highlight the use of imaging modalities and image analysis in the pharmaceutical industry. The topics will cover research and development to clinical applications of microscopy. There will be a particular focus on how artificial intelligence has had an impact on imaging and image analysis applications. Additional topics will include how multidimensional imaging has impacted pharmaceutical high content imaging and its analysis pipelines.

Jonathan Boyd, AstraZeneca
Somya Singh, Merck

Invited Speaker:
Anastas Popratiloff, The George Washington University

B07 - Microscopy Uncovering Biological and Technological Details Towards Biomimetics

This symposium focuses on microscopy and microanalysis techniques applied in the field of biomimetics, which involves the understanding of biological principles, structures, and materials of various objects found in nature inspiring the design and fabrication of smart materials and devices of commercial interest. Hierarchically structured natural surfaces and materials often serve as references that provide amazing properties, such as super-hydro and/or oleophobicity, drag reduction in fluid flow, antifouling, reversible adhesion, anti-/reflection, structural coloration, thermal insulation, etc. The symposium organizers invite to present biomimetic research which fundamentally relies on microscopy exploring natural systems and/or proofing bio-inspired creations.

Eduardo Favret, National Institute on Agricultural Technology (INTA), Argentina
Andres Lasagni, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Dagmar Voigt, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Christoph Neinhuis, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Invited Speakers:
Richard Johnston, Swansea University, Wales
Ulrike Wegst, Northeastern University
Hendrik Hölscher, Kalsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany
Tak-Sing Wong, Penn State University

B08 - Spatial Omics Using Mass Spectrometry - CANCELLED

The M&M 2024 Executive Program Committee regrets that this symposium has been canceled.

B09 - Volume Electron Microscopy

Volume Electron Microscopy (vEM) refers to a group of imaging approaches to interrogate cell and tissue ultrastructure in 3D, at μm- to mm-volume scales and nm-level resolutions. In this rapidly expanding field, intensely studied topics include various imaging platforms, different ways to prepare specimens, and correlative imaging with fluorescence and/or X-ray microscopy. Extracting and analyzing features of interest from these 3D images, and large data handling are also areas of current research. This symposium aims to introduce cutting-edge advances and biological discoveries enabled by vEM, as well as to build a community around this exciting imaging approach.

Kedar Narayan, Frederick National Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, NIH
Kirk Czymmek, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Alice Liang, NYU Grossman School of Medicine
Camenzind G. Robinson, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Invited Speakers:
Kingsley Boatang, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Ahmad Alashaf, Technical University-Delft, Netherlands
Melania McClain, Stowers Institute
Rebecca Pfeiffer, University of Utah
Zerrin Uzum, Arizona State University
Naomi Kamasawa, Max Planck Institute
Isei Tanida, Juntendo University, Japan
Shogo Suga, University of Tokyo, Japan

Interdisciplinary (Cross-Cutting) Symposia

C01 - Emerging 4D STEM Techniques in Materials and Biological Sciences

Emerging techniques in 4D-STEM are enabling critical new sample insights across the materials and biological sciences. These techniques are combining advances in data collection (such as live processing and novel scan strategies), data analysis (new modes of ptychography, scanning electron diffraction or fluctuation microscopy) and data processing (such as denoising via machine learning or advanced filtering approaches). The combination of computational and experimental developments is enabling imaging of challenging and important samples such as MOFs, perovskites, battery materials and other soft materials. This symposium will present the latest developments in 4D-STEM from both computational and experimental development perspectives.

Emanuela Liberti, The Rosalind Franklin Institute, UK
Laura Clark, University of York, UK
Karen Bustillo, Molecular Foundry (NCEM)
Shelly Conroy, Imperial College London, UK

Invited Speakers:
Judy Kim, Rosalind Franklin Institute, UK
Stephanie Ribet, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Yue Yu, Chan Zuckerberg Institute-California
Ben Savitzky, Berkeley Lab
Peter Nellist, University of Oxford, UK
Sarah Karstens, University of California-Berkeley
Pinshane Huang, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Richard Beanland, University of Warwick, UK

Hsu-Chih Ni, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign

C02 - Facilities Management: Crucial Skills and Strategies

This symposium will focus on critical skills and strategies applicable to the operation and management of microscopy facilities, especially multi-user and core facilities that support research in a variety of disciplines. It also highlights best practices and protocols that are fundamental for the effective management of any facility and benefit users and staff members.

Josefina Arellano, The University of Texas-Dallas
Luisa Amelia Dempere, University of Florida
Elizabeth Miller, Michigan Technological University

Invited Speakers:

Richard Wuhrer, Western Sydney University, Australia
Julia Aebersold, University of Louisville
Amelia Dempere, University of Florida

C03 - Interdisciplinary Analysis of Soft/Hybrid/Bio Materials Using Advanced Focused Ion Beam Methods and Multimodal Microscopy Techniques

The characterization of soft/hard interfaces and beam-sensitive materials remains a grand challenge bringing together experimentalists, data scientists, modelers, and technique visionaries from a range of fields working on specialized sample preparation techniques (e.g. FIB milling), multiscale and multimodal imaging (SEM, TEM, light microscopy, helium ion microscopy, APT, etc.), and advanced image analysis. In many of these materials systems, the multi-scale structure and composition at the interfaces can dominate the resulting properties, and so maintaining high spatial resolution and extracting spectroscopic information while limiting material damage is critical. This symposium is dedicated to recent developments in this area, encouraging submissions from material and life scientists to exchange ideas and foster conversation on topics of common interest.

Frances Allen, University of California-Berkeley
Lawrence Drummy, Air Force Research Laboratory
Stephan Krämer, Harvard University
Robert Hovden, University of Michigan

Invited Speakers:
Yael Tsarfati, Stanford University
Edwin Thomas, Texas A&M University
Juergen Plitzko, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Daniel Perea, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

C04 - Machine Learning-driven Automated Microscopy for Materials Discovery and Semiconductor Manufacturing

The symposium focuses on developments and applications of machine learning in automated and autonomous microscopy. This includes physics-driven experiment design, process-aware automation, edge computing, and using machine learning (ML) to extract actionable information for materials/physics discovery and semiconductor manufacturing. The symposium emphasizes real-time data analysis and feedback in microscopy, and the importance of bringing theory into the loop. The symposium also explores the potential of going beyond off-the-shelf AI/ML tools to utilize physics-informed AI for enhanced performance and accuracy.

Yongtao Liu, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Maxim Ziatdinov, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Tuyen K. Tran, Intel Corporation

Invited Speakers:
Peter Zwart, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Adrian Wilson, Nova Measuring Instruments, Inc.
Mathew Cherukara, Argonne National Laboratory
Peter Ercius, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

C05 - Correlative Microscopy Using Light, Electron, and X-ray Microscopy

Correlative microscopy can be a powerful tool to examine both biological and material samples across scales. Combining different imaging modalities with the powerful array of molecular probes available allows researchers to gain insights into dynamic processes which otherwise would be difficult to observe. This symposium will discuss recent breakthroughs in correlative light, electron, and soft X-ray microscopy and techniques for biological and material research, particularly in cryogenic and in-situ settings. Presentations in this symposium will demonstrate technical advances, new instrumentation, and novel data handling workflows used to provide correlative biological structures, micro/nanostructural transformation in materials, and environmental processes.

Jingshan Du, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kenneth Fahy, Sirius XT Ltd.
Evan Krystofiak, Vanderbilt University
Tony Fearns, The Francis Crick Institute

Invited Speakers:
Nico Sommerdijk, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Netherlands
Taylor Woehl, University of Maryland
Yaobin Xu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Rafael Arrojo e Drigo, Vanderbilt University
Kem Sochacki, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NIH)
Roland Fleck, Kings College London

C06 - Memorial Symposium: Lena Fitting Kourkoutis

Lena Fitting Kourkoutis made foundational contributions to many fields of advanced and high-resolution electron microscopy by working across disciplines and bridging traditional boundaries between biological and materials research. This symposium will highlight topics – in microscopy and beyond – impacted by Lena’s research, including the development of high spatial and energy resolution measurements for atomic-scale structural and chemical insights of functional materials; cryogenic and in situ STEM techniques to probe correlated quantum phenomena; advanced quantitative and high resolution studies of in situ biological specimens; and techniques for accessing hard-soft and solid-liquid interfaces in their native state in systems such as energy storage and conversion devices. This symposium will bring together mentees, collaborators, and other distinguished researchers Lena inspired as a tribute to her and the far-reaching impacts of her scientific research, professional service, and community leadership.  

Berit Goodge, Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Germany
Michael Zachman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Ismail El Baggari, Harvard University
Robert Hovden, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Invited Speakers:
David Muller, Cornell University
Judy Cha, Cornell University
Ondrej Krivanek, Nion Co.
Peter Ercius, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Max Haider, CEOS GmbH, Germany
Jurgen Plitzko, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Elizabeth Villa, University of California-San Diego
Wolfgang Baumeister, Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, Germany
Peter Crozier, Arizona State University
Julia Mundy, Harvard University
Yimei Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Katherine Jungjohann, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Yuzhang Li, University of California-Los Angeles
Andrew Minor, University of California-Berkeley
James LeBeau, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Huolin Xin, University of California-Irvine
Marta de Frutos, Université Paris-Saclay, France

C07 - Lens on Diversity in the Microscopy and Microanalysis Community

This session will serve as a forum for discussion of the state of the profession of microscopy and microanalysis with invited and contributed posters that address work by women and underrepresented minority microscopists; demographics and statistics regarding the current M&M community; strategies for a fostering a more inclusive community; and visions for expanding engagement to build a bigger, better future for the M&M community.

Martha McCartney, Arizona State University
Shery Chang, University of New South Wales, Australia
Rhonda Stroud, Arizona State University

There are no invited speakers to the Lens on Diversity Symposium.

C08 - Vendor Symposium

Platform presentations given by representatives from our commercial vendors showcasing the latest in research by our industry partners.

Alice Liang, NYU Langone School of Medicine
Peter Ercius, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory

There are no invited speakers to the Vendor Symposium. 

Physical Sciences Symposia

P01 - Innovative Magnetic Imaging

Imaging magnetic structures via Lorentz TEM, STEM-DPC, 4D-STEM, electron holography and EMCD has become routine. Now focus has shifted towards the development of techniques which enable quantitative characterization, atomic resolution, 3D imaging, and in-situ experiments probing the real-time response of spin textures to various external stimuli. This symposium highlights current methodological developments as well as new magnetic characterizations beyond conventional magnetic imaging.

Darius Pohl, Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN), Germany
Sebastian Schneider, Dresden Center for Nanoanalysis (DCN), Germany
Fehmi Sami Yasin, CEMS, RIKEN, Japan

Invited Speakers:
Naoya Shibata, The University of Tokyo, Japan
David Muller, Cornell University
Ben McMorran, University of Oregon
Kayna Lee Mendoza Trujillo, Northwestern University
Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Research Center Juelich, Germany
Max Birch, RIKEN, Japan

P02 - Memorial Symposium: Terence E. Mitchell

This symposium will honor the contributions of Terry Mitchell (MSA Fellow and Past President) in the field of electron microscopy in physical sciences. It will bring together his former mentees and other distinguished electron microscopy researchers who were inspired by Terry. The symposium will cover a broad range of topical areas where Terry made seminal contributions using advanced transmission electron microscopy: dislocations in body centered cubic refractory metals, ceramics and intermetallic silicides; radiation damage in metals and ceramics; oxidation of metals; phase transformations in oxides and plutonium; metallic and semiconductor epitaxial thin films and multilayers; high Tc superconductors and ferroelectric oxides. The symposium is a fitting tribute to one of the most impactful and inspiring researcher and mentor in the field of transmission electron microscopy of metals and ceramics, throughout his 50+ year career at University of Cambridge (England); Case Western Reserve University and Los Alamos National Laboratory.

Paul Kotula, Sandia National Laboratories
Jeremy Mitchell, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Amit Misra, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Kurt Sickafus, Los Alamos National Laboratory

Invited Speakers:
Soumendra Basu, Boston University
Yuichi Ikuhara, The University of Tokyo
Robin Grimes, Imperial College, UK
Pedro Peralta, Arizona State University
Ron Gibala, Universitiy of Michigan
Barry Carter, University of Connecticut
Ivar Reimanis, Colorado School of Mines
Stu Maloy, Pacific Northwestern National Laboratory
Harriet Kung, U.S. Department of Energy
Venkat Gopalan, Penn State University
John Lewandowski, Case Western Reserve University
Rod McCabe, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Hisayuki Suematsu, Nagoya University of Technology, Japan

P03 - Electron Microscopy of Advanced Functional Materials

Advanced functional materials are widely important in different applications including catalysis, semiconductor industry, energy conversion and storage or even quantum computation. Advanced microscopy techniques have been widely developed to study the structure features of these materials. This symposium is dedicated to the current development in terms characterization of these materials using different techniques including EELS, Cryo, 4D-STEM, iDPC, STEM, HRTEM etc.

Shize Yang, Arizona State University
Cong Su, Yale University

Invited Speakers:
Dan Zhou, Leibniz-Institut für Kristallzüchtung, Germany
Piyush Haluai, Arizona State University
Yimo Han, Rice University
Jani Kotakoski, University of Vienna, Austria
Xuedong Bai, Institute of Physics-Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Qian He, University of Singapore, Singapore

P04 - Science and Applications of High-Entropy Materials

New and emerging materials and devices can lead to disruptive advances in electronics, optoelectronics, energy, and environmental sectors. The recent advent of high-entropy materials, including bulk alloys and ceramics, 2D transition metal oxides, 2D carbides, carbonitrides, nitrides (MXenes), and 2D chalcogenides, stimulate new applications in many new areas. This symposium focuses on analytical transmission electron microscopy techniques, aberration correction, spectroscopy, and in-situ methods to characterize these emerging materials of interest. Presentations are sought from various forms of high-entropy materials (HEMs), their heterostructures with other nanomaterials, and exciting new applications.

Moon Kim, The University of Texas-Dallas
Babak Anasori, Indiana University–Purdue University

Invited Speakers:
Takeshi Egami, University of Tennessee
Osman El Atwani, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Xiangyu Zhu, Texas Instruments
Per Persson, Linköping University, Sweden

P05 - Advanced Imaging and Spectroscopy Beyond Room Temperature

The objective of this symposium is to provide a platform to discuss recent developments in materials characterization enabled by aberration-corrected scanning and transmission electron microscopy, new generation of monochromators, spectrometers, cameras and temperature-controlled and biasing enabled stable holders. The symposium aims for the discussion of challenges and outlooks of how to extract material properties at the atomic and nanometer scale under biasing conditions and beyond room temperature, (cryogenic LHe, LN2 and higher temperatures). The symposium seeks for presentations that explore electronic, structural, ferroelectric and magnetic phase transitions and related physical phenomena as function of temperature and biasing via 2D/4D STEM imaging modes and monochromated and conventional electron energy-loss spectroscopy.

Juan Carlos Idrobo, University of Washington
Robert Klie, University of Illinois-Chicago

Invited Speakers:
Ryo Ishikawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Ziaoqing Pan, University of California-Irvine
Rohan Mishra, Washington University St. Louis
Naoya Shibata, University of Tokyo, Japan
Sarah Haigh, Manchester University, UK
Eren Suyolcu, Stuttgart Center for Electron Microscopy, Germany
Shelly Conroy, Imperial College, UK
Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Chris Regan, University of California-Los Angeles

P06 - Visualizing Electronically Driven Dynamics Across Spatiotemporal Scales: From In-situ to Ultrafast

In-situ, in-operando, and ultrafast microscopy using electronic excitations (e.g. electrical, microwave, optical, electron-beam) have seen significant advances in recent years, allowing direct observation of material and device dynamics down to sub-picosecond time and atomic length scales. These emerging techniques are advancing our understanding of phase transformations, carrier dynamics, e-beam damage, and other phenomena in microelectronics, energy storage and conversion, quantum materials, quantum information science, and more. The goal of this symposium is to share methods, instrumentation, and scientific advances to establish state-of-the-art and future directions in dynamic imaging and analysis of electronically driven phenomena.

Daniel  Durham, Argonne National Laboratory
Thomas Edward Gage, Argonne National Laboratory
Yimei Zhu, Brookhaven National Laboratory
John Cumings, University of Maryland

Invited Speakers:
Aaron Lindenberg, Stanford University
Frances Ross, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ido Kaminer, Technion, Israel
Spencer Reisbick, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Judith Yang, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Ray Egerton, University of Alberta, Canada
Suhas Kumar, Sandia National Laboratories

P07 - Understanding Structure-Property Relationships in Quantum Materials with Emerging Electron Microscopy Methods

Multi-modal characterization based on (scanning) transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) provides a versatile platform that is critical for understanding the correlated structure-property relationships in quantum materials. Recent advancements in novel data collection methods, holders, detectors, stages, and analysis in hyperspectral data sets have enabled unique opportunities to explore various order parameters and quantum phenomena at the atomic-scale, such as local strain, electric/magnetic fields, and correlated electronic states. Such measurements are associated with materials’ properties. The symposium includes recent advancements in high resolution S/TEM for probing materials’ local electronic structure, understanding the phonon or plasmonic excitations at defects/interfaces, and studies of topological, superconducting, and other quantum materials.

Yu-Tsun Shao, University of Southern California
Sandhya Susarla, Arizona State University
Eren Y. Suyolcu, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Germany

Invited Speakers:
Judy Cha, Cornell University
Quentin Ramasse, SuperSTEM, UK
Steffi Woo, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Robert Klie, University of Illinois-Chicago
Cong Su, Yale University
Yichao Zhang, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Noah Schnitzer, Cornell University
Harikrishnan KP - Cornell University
Reed Yalisove, University of California-Berkeley
Zhen Chen, Institute of Physics, China

P08 - Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition through Microscopy and Microanalysis of Complex Geologic Materials

The M&M 2024 Executive Program Committee regrets that this symposium has been canceled.

P09 - Advances in In Situ TEM Characterization of Dynamic Processes in Materials

The rapid technological advancements in electron microscopy have significantly expanded the possibilities of transmission electron microscope (TEM) experiments. The development of in situ TEM capabilities, such as heating, biasing, light illumination, ion irradiation, and mechanical testing, has led to rapid advances in our understanding of crystallization, electrochemical processes, and structure-function relationships in organic, semiconductor, metals, and other systems. This symposium topics include advanced electron microscopy and spectroscopy techniques of, for example, aberration corrected TEM and STEM, electron holography, DPC, monochromated electron spectroscopy, in situ electron microscopy, nanobeam electron diffraction, and artificial intelligence (AI) aided image analysis and data processing algorithms for the study of various materials and devices systems.

Di Zhang, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Eva Olsson, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Dongsheng Li, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Wolfgang Jager, Christian-Albrechts-Universitat zu Kiel, Germany

Invited Speakers:
Naoya Shibata, University of Tokyo, Japan
Leopoldo Molina-Luna, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
Qian Chen, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Miaofang Chi, Duke University
Stephen House, Sandia National Laboratories
Jungwon Park, Seoul National University, South Korea
Yao Yang, Cornell University
Rafal E. Dunin-Borkowski, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany

P10 - In Situ and Cryogenic Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy for Energy Materials

Advances of microscopy and spectroscopy, coupled with sample environment and mitigation of electron beam damage, has evolved to an indispensable tool for investigation of structural and chemical dynamics within materials, at interfaces, and in working devices. The recent development in cryogenic (scanning) transmission electron microscopy ((S)TEM) techniques opens new opportunities for probing charge/mass carriers and tracking their transport in liquid/solid phases and across liquid-solid/solid-solid interfaces at atomic scale. This symposium focused on advances in (S)TEM (4D-STEM, iDPC), spectroscopy, scpectro-imaging techniques, and their combinations with in-situ/operando/cryogenic techniques in characterizing materials, interfaces, and devices relevant to energy sciences.

Yaobin Xu, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Reza Shahbazian-Yassar, University of Illinois-Chicago
Chongmin Wang, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Kai He, University of California-Irvine

Invited Speakers:
Seung-Yong Lee, Hanyang University, South Korea
Feng Wang, Argonne National Laboratory
Jinsong Wu, Wuhan University of Technology, China
Paulo Ferreira, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Layla Mehdi, University of Liverpool, UK
Judith Yang, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Jingshan Du, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Huolin Xin, University of California-Irvine

P11 - Frontiers in Electron Tomography

Electron tomography is an important characterization technique of morphology and composition in both biological and physical materials sciences due to the complexity of 3D structures which are hard to determine directly from 2D projections. The rapid development of new hardware (including cold field-emission guns, aberration correctors, monochromators, energy filters and direct electron detectors), techniques, algorithms and software has led to a significant improvements in the visualization and analysis of 3D structural and chemical information at the sub-nanometer level. Single particle analysis and cryo electron tomography (with subtomogram averaging) have achieved ~1-2 Angstrom resolution of biological structures. Electron tomography by scanning TEM and liquid cell TEM have achieved atomic resolution for different kinds of physical samples including thin films and nanoparticles. However, there is still room to improve resolution, applied electron dose and differentiation of elemental species. This symposium is aimed at reporting developments in new methods and algorithms to push resolution in electron tomography of all fields.

Yao Yang, Westlake University
Peter Ercius, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Jianwei (John) Miao, University of California-Los Angeles

Invited Speakers:
Yue Yu, Chan Zuckerberg Imaging Institute
Qian Chen, University of Illinois - Urbana-Champaign
Robert Hovden, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Angus Kirkland, University of Oxford, UK
Colin Ophus, National Center for Electron Microscopy
Jungwong Park, Seoul National University, South Korea
Jihan Zhou, Peking University, China
Yongsoo Yang, KAIST, South Korea