Sunday Short Courses

Sunday Short Courses

X-10 EM Data Analysis with the HyperSpy Ecosystem


  • Joshua Taillon, NIST
  • Eric Prestat, United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority
  • Carter Francis, Direct Electron

This short course will cover the basics of data processing and analysis using the open-source HyperSpy ecosystem and show example workflows for electron microscopy datasets. No prior Python knowledge is required, and the following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to HyperSpy and related Python libraries for multi-dimensional image and spectra processing and analysis
  • Curve fitting of multi-dimensional datasets
  • Machine learning
  • Big data analysis strategies
  • EELS and EDS analysis
  • Introduction to analysis using HyperSpy extensions, including 4D-STEM, EBSD, nanoparticle, holography, luminescence spectroscopy, and electron tomography data.



X-11 Cryo-EM for Materials Sciences: Hardware, Applications and Data Acquisition


  • Ismail El Baggari, Harvard University
  • Myung-Geun Han, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • Michael Zachman, Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) has been instrumental in propelling research in energy and quantum materials. The recent surge in Cryo-EM usage underscores the growing demand for advancements in both instrumentation and workflows, aimed at high-resolution analysis at controlled temperatures and sample environments. This short course is aimed to provide both beginners and current researchers with the basic knowledge and hands-on skills of Cryo-EM. The course will also cover the historical developments, recent developments, and prospects of Cryo-EM in materials science, guided by our invited instructors.

Course topics include:

  • Understanding the basics and instrumentation of Cryo-EM
  • Cryo-EM workflow: specimen preparation, specimen transfer, Cryo-FIB, etc.
  • Atomic-scale imaging and spectroscopy at controlled cryogenic temperatures
  • Cryo-EM data analysis methods.

X-12 Focused Ion Beam Theory & Methods


  • Lucille Gianuzzi, TESCAN USA
  • Joseph Michael, Sandia National Laboratory (ret.)

The use of FIB instruments in materials- and biological-science laboratories is growing rapidly. The versatility and capabilities of these tools are also rapidly improving. This course will first cover ion/solid interactions, which must be understood for successful application of these tools. The attendees will learn of the variety of commercial ion sources and ion species available in FIB instruments, and explore their benefits for a range of applications. Applications of femtosecond laser micromachining in conjunction with FIB will be discussed. Techniques of sample preparation for SEM and TEM, 3D applications, micro- and nano-fabrication and cryo-methods will be presented.

Course topics include:

  • Theory of ion-solid interactions
  • A review of ion sources: LMIS (Ga and others), PFIB (Xe and others), and other commercial ion sources
  • 2D and 3D (FIB SEM tomography) sample preparation
  • TEM and APT specimen preparation
  • Cryo FIB TEM specimen preparation
  • Micro and nano-fabrication using ion beams.

X-13 Machine Learning for Electron Microscopy: from Data Analysis to Active Experiments


  • Sergei Kalinin, UT Knoxville and Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Gerd Duscher, UT Knoxville
  • Paolo Longo, Thermo Fisher Scientific


A major focus of the course will be on engineering the transition from human-controlled to AI-augmented and fully autonomous workflows. Special emphasis will be placed on the AutoScript interface, which allows researchers to implement Python-based automation directly on Thermo Fisher electron microscopes, providing hands-on experience in running real-time data analytics, automated imaging optimization, and AI-driven decision-making workflows. Attendees will learn how to develop and deploy ML workflows on their own microscopes, tackling key challenges such as real-time API integration, stochastic optimization for decision-making, and adaptive AI models. Whether you are interested in microscopy data analysis, automated instrument control, or AI-enhanced materials discovery, this course will provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art and future directions in the field.

X-14 From Obscure to Clear: A Dive into Tissue Clearing and Expansion Microscopy


  • Yongxin (Leon) Zhao, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Alan Watson, University of Pittsburgh

Topics Include:

  • Foundations of Tissue Clearing: Understanding the basics and significance.
  • Tissue Clearing Methods: Exploring popular techniques and essential reagents.
  • Expansion Microscopy and variants: Delving into principles, different variants and applications.