Meeting Awards

Meeting Awards

How to Apply For M&M Meeting Awards:

Apply for M&M meeting awards during the online paper submission process. An applicant must check a box to have their paper considered for an award. Only one paper may be designated per applicant.

The applicant must appear as first author and presenter of the paper submitted for award. The applicant must provide the name, title, institution, and e-mail address of their supervisor, who will be contacted to provide a supporting letter and confirmation of applicability for the indicated award category (e.g. student, post-doc, or technical staff).

General Considerations:

Award applicants will automatically be considered for memorial scholarships, conferred by MSA based on the generous support of society sponsors. Applicants who have previously received an M&M Meeting Award will not be considered for a second award in the same category.


All students in good standing enrolled at accredited academic institutions are eligible. High school, undergraduate, and graduate students are encouraged to apply. Applicants are not required to be members of the sponsoring society. If an applicant is not a full-time student, their submitted work *MUST* have been done at their academic institution in their role as student. Student applicants are required to provide their advisor's name and email address during the application process.

Postdoctoral Researchers:

All postdoctoral researchers are eligible. Applicants are not required to be members of the sponsoring society. If an applicant is not a full-time researcher, their submitted work *MUST* have been done at their institution in their role as post-doc researcher. Postdoctoral researchers are required to provide their advisor's name and email address during the application process.

Professional Technical Staff Members:

Full-time technologists/technicians are eligible. In addition, the applicant must be a member of the sponsoring society, current in their dues for the year of the meeting.

Amount of Award:

M&M Meeting Awards and memorial awards consist of full meeting registration and up to $1,000 for travel-related expenses. Original receipts must be provided to receive travel reimbursement. All award winners also receive an invitation to the Presidents' Reception, held on the Tuesday evening of the meeting.

Notification of Award:

All award applicants will be notified of their award status approximately eight weeks following the Call for Submissions deadline. Unsuccessful applicants will be permitted to withdraw their papers, should their ability to attend the meeting be contingent on the award, within one week following notification.

Requirements of Award:

All award winners must present their paper in person at the M&M meeting in order to receive their award. Awardees are expected to attend and participate in the entire meeting, which runs from Sunday evening's opening reception through late Thursday afternoon. Awardees are required to attend the Monday morning plenary session, at which their award will be conferred. Awards or award monies are non-transferable.

Onsite Awards

The M&M meeting's co-sponsoring societies confer competitively judged awards at the meeting.

MSA Student Poster Awards

We believe poster presentations are an excellent format for all participants to engage in intensive discussion with other researchers in the field. To especially encourage students to take advantage of this opportunity and submit papers for poster presentation, MSA provides cash awards to the most outstanding student posters (first author) each day (up to one in each of three categories).

Ultramicrotomy Awards

Posters that wish to be considered for the Ultramicrotomy awards should indicate this in their online paper submission. Ultramicrotomy awards consist of a trip to Switzerland for first place and a Swiss watch for second place. These awards are sponsored by Diatome US.

MAS Best Paper Awards

MAS annually confers awards for papers presented at the M&M meeting deemed to be best in four categories. Each comes with a cash award generously provided by MAS Sustaining Members.

Microscopy Today Micrograph Awards

Scientifically significant micrographs:

  • Published category (images published in 2023)
  • Open category (unpublished images)
  • Video category (movies and 3-D reconstructions)

Submission site to open December 2024

Deadline for submission is March 15, 2024

Prizes awarded at M&M 2024 in Cleveland, OH