X61 - Transformative High-Resolution Cryo-Electron Microscopy

Separate registration required — see registration form (Coming Spring 2025)
- Ed Eng, New York Structural Biology Center
- Claudia Lopez, Oregon Health and Science University
- Julia Brasch, University of Utah
Recent advances in cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryoEM) methods and technology have greatly extended its resolution and the amount of information it can provide about viruses, proteins, and other important biological macromolecular complexes. As this field has grown, an ecosystem has emerged comprising of a network of national, regional and local facilities and cores to better serve the needs of structural sciences community. Common challenges in the cryoEM and cryo-Electron Tomography (cryoET) workflows include access to instrumentation, sample preparation and optimization, data acquisition, software improvements and data processing. This PMC will have discussions on the recent innovations in the field guided through invited talks delivered by leaders and emerging scientists in the field. We will also host a poster session that welcomes all PMC participants, particularly newcomers to the cryoEM and cryoET techniques, to present their work and openly discuss the challenges when initiating their work.
Topics within this PMC will include:
- Sample preparation “do's and don'ts”.
- New hardware from cryo-TEMs and cryo-SEMs to sample preparation instrumentation uses and preferences.
- Best approaches for data collection and automation of experiments.
- Data processing, handling and archiving.
- Best practices at national, regional and local facilities.
- Development of shared SOPs and cross-center honored training materials.