Separate registration required — see registration form (Spring 2025)
Breakfast, AM Break, Lunch, PM Break
- Shize Yang, Yale University
- Stephan Kraemer, Harvard University
- Renae Gannon, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Matthew Thorseth, The Dow Chemical Company
In this pre-meeting congress (PMC), we hope to foster lively discussions regarding recent innovations propelling focused ion beam (FIB) instrumentation development and applications. FIB instruments have emerged as comprehensive suite of tools, enabled through the rapid development of diverse ion beam sources (including plasma and lasers), the integration of critical functions such as cryo sample handling, and additional detectors for electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), secondary ion spectrometry (SIMs), etc. However, there are common challenges when it comes to specific workflows to address specific problems from a user’s perspective. This PMC will include discussion around: ion-beam matter interactions and simulations; use of cryo technology to mitigate ion-beam damage effects; alternative FIB sources and their various advantages; advanced sample preparation workflows for atom probe tomography (APT), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), micro electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), etc.; and how to set up automation for various sample preparation workflows.
Topics covered within this PMC will include:
- Progress in application of cryo-techniques in various FIB workflows
- Ion beam-matter interactions
- Multi-modal experimental workflows
- Automation techniques in sample preparation.